Why Should You Consider LASIK Surgery?

Have you heard about contact lenses that can be worn for a week straight without having to remove them to sleep? Learn about them here.

Why Should You Consider LASIK Surgery?

12 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Do you wear contacts or glasses? If so, you may wish that you had 20/20 vision. Some people are unaware of a simple surgery that can help to achieve this. Perhaps you have heard of LASIK surgery. There are numerous benefits that this eye surgery can offer individuals. The following are a few that you may find helpful.


LASIK will give you the freedom to tend to other matters in life. This is because you will not have the worries of remembering to get your glasses or contacts. Sometimes individuals forget to reorder contact lenses or replace their solution. This is something that they will not need to worry about.


Replacing contact lenses and glasses can be expensive. After LASIK surgery, these will no longer be needed. So, in a sense, the surgery will eventually pay for itself. There is another type of "savings" you can expect. If you wear contacts that require cleaning, you will save time because you will no longer have that chore. Also, you may save the time that it takes to put corrective lenses in. It takes some individuals a while to get theirs in.

Activity Freedom

There are some individuals who find it difficult to participate in activities such as sports. Eyeglasses are sensitive and may easily break during contact sports. Contact lenses may interfere with an individual's ability to enjoy water sports. 

Reduced Chance of Eye Infection

Individuals who wear contact may experience eye infections. The infections usually result due to germs that are present on hands when putting the contacts in. However, it is also possible for individuals to wear their lenses longer than recommended or to clean them improperly. Sometimes lenses may also irritate their eyes and cause lacerations. 

Better Self-Esteem

One of the main reasons that individuals wear contacts is because they are ashamed to wear glasses. There are certain instances where individuals who wear contacts must wear glasses for a period of time. For example, if an eye infection occurs or a scratched cornea. 

An eye doctor is a good resource to use to learn more about the LASIK procedure. They can explain to you what to expect. This put any concerns that you may have at ease. For example, some individuals are afraid of the lasers that are used during the surgeries. The lasers are only used for a short period of time, and the laser equipment operates with a unique tracking feature. This tracking ensures that the laser only makes contact with the part of the eye involved in the surgery. 

For more information, contact a medical office like Cornea Consultants of Nashville.

About Me
contacts that don't need removed at night

I have worn contact lenses for the last twenty years and never had any problems with them. I had heard about contact lenses that could be worn for a week straight without having to remove them to sleep. This is something that really interested me because there are mornings that I just don't have the time to mess around cleaning and putting in new lenses. I liked the thought of being able to watch TV in bed without having my glasses pressing on the sides of my head. I created this blog to provide other contact lens wearers with the information that I used to decide whether or not to try these new lenses.