How To Safe Apply And Care For Your Non-Prescription Contact Lenses

Have you heard about contact lenses that can be worn for a week straight without having to remove them to sleep? Learn about them here.

How To Safe Apply And Care For Your Non-Prescription Contact Lenses

14 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Contact lenses were initially created to give those who have impaired vision options as to how they chose to see clearly. In other words, contact lenses are mainly for those who don't or can't wear glasses for whatever reason. Ophthalmologists dedicated to eye care always speak to their patients about how to safely use and care for their contact lenses, but wearers sometimes have issues applying this knowledge because there are multiple steps involved. To ensure that your contact lenses stay clean and your eyes stay healthy, pay attention to the follow advice.

Put Together a Kit to Care For Your Contacts

Realize that contact lenses come in direct contact with the cornea, which is the most sensitive part of the eye. As such, you should be exceedingly gentle when inserting your contact lenses and clean them with an ophthalmologist approved contact solution on the regular. Buy a contact lens case, contact cleaning solution in large quantities and a mild dish washing detergent to keep supplies sanitary. In addition, you should have cases to store you contact lenses at home and for when you go away to ensure that everything stays clean. Proper eye care starts with using contact lenses responsibly.

Contact Your Ophthalmologist If You Experience Eye Discomfort

You need to have an eye exam in order to get prescribed contact lenses but don't forget that your ophthalmologist is also there to help you work out any kinks that you experience. There's a chance that you will go through various kinds of contact before getting a set that feels completely comfortable on your eyes. In the interim, keep your eye doctor abreast of irritation, discomfort, swelling, prolonged redness or any other eye care issues so that you can avoid potential eye infection issues.

Schedule Eye Exams the Same Time Every Year

Even if you don't feel that your vision has changed or have any interest in getting a different prescription for your contact lenses, you should go to your eye exam appointments like clockwork. Remember that your eye doctor can see things that you can't, especially as it relates to your eyes. Most people have health insurance that also covers eye care procedures so all you need to do is book an appointment, show up, and answer all questions asked by your ophthalmologist honestly. This also makes for the perfect time to find out if any new varieties of contact lenses are available so you can sample them out.

About Me
contacts that don't need removed at night

I have worn contact lenses for the last twenty years and never had any problems with them. I had heard about contact lenses that could be worn for a week straight without having to remove them to sleep. This is something that really interested me because there are mornings that I just don't have the time to mess around cleaning and putting in new lenses. I liked the thought of being able to watch TV in bed without having my glasses pressing on the sides of my head. I created this blog to provide other contact lens wearers with the information that I used to decide whether or not to try these new lenses.