5 Foods To Help Prevent Glaucoma

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5 Foods To Help Prevent Glaucoma

28 July 2015
 Categories: , Articles

Among adults, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of loss of vision. Essentially, glaucoma is the natural build up of pressure inside of the eye. This pressure can lead to cataracts and other forms of detrimental phenomena to your vision. This is not to say that Glaucoma is not something you can't prevent. Healthy living in general can help, but among healthy lifestyle choices, healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to decrease your chances of developing glaucoma. Within the confines of this article, you will discover 5 specific foods that will help to prevent the onset of glaucoma.


Spinach isn't a green that is not just helpful for building muscles, a la Popeye. Rather, spinach can be quite helpful for preventing glaucoma and simply helping adjust and improve your eyesight, as well. Spinach is well known for being rich in lutein, which is a carotenoid compound that is found in colorful fruits and veggies and serves to benefit your eyesight in numerous ways. Mostly, it helps builds the muscles and optic fibers that lay behind your eyes. Glaucoma shouldn't be a problem as long as you keep on cracking open cans of spinach!


Salmon and other fatty acid laden fishes are rich in several elements that are rich in elements that are known to prevent glaucoma and prevent the condition of your eye, in general. Omega 3 fatty acid, which is present in salmon, contributes to decreasing the formation of plaque, which can cause macular degeneration and increased pressure behind the eye, which are both leading causes of glaucoma. Other fish that also can help prevent glaucoma include tuna, mackerel and many fresh water fishes, such as crapie.


Walnuts, in small amounts, can be converted to Omega 3 fatty acids, which can significantly improve the condition of the eye. In addition, it relieves pressure from behind the eye, which, of course, can serve to lessen the effects of glaucoma and can also, in general, serve to prevent the onset of glaucoma. Walnuts are also very rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E can serve the eye in a variety of ways. Most notably, it improves the cardiovascular condition of the body, which can serve the eye in a myriad of ways. Most importantly, a good cardiovascular system will improve blood flow to the eye, and seeing that clotting behind the eye can actually lead to glaucoma, this is a very good phenomena!


Much like walnuts, berries of all kinds – blueberries, mulberries, raspberries, cranberries and even grapes – best serve the body by improving cardiovascular health. There's nothing quite like berries when it comes to improving the health of your eye. They serve to increase bloodflow throughout the entire body, which includes behind the eye. In a study performed by Johns Hopkins University, berries were shown to improve the normal bloodflow capacity of veins by upwards of 40%. That's nothing to balk at!


When it comes to improving macular issues, you've probably heard that broccoli does the trick. Surely, everyone's parents or grandparents have told them that eating their small trees like broccoli will improve the condition of their vision! Enzymes are increased by tenfold by broccoli and they also serve to be anti inflammatories for the body. What does this mean for you? Well, for starters, it increases the blood flow of the body. It also serves to thin the blood, which means that any clotting agents that are known to cause glaucoma are greatly decreased. Broccoli and other greens are great for your eyes and the body, in general.

Glaucoma can be a horrifying phenomena for anyone to experience. Having said that, it is also a preventable disorder! Hopefully, this article has served to help you realize there are things you can do to decrease your chances of glaucoma.

About Me
contacts that don't need removed at night

I have worn contact lenses for the last twenty years and never had any problems with them. I had heard about contact lenses that could be worn for a week straight without having to remove them to sleep. This is something that really interested me because there are mornings that I just don't have the time to mess around cleaning and putting in new lenses. I liked the thought of being able to watch TV in bed without having my glasses pressing on the sides of my head. I created this blog to provide other contact lens wearers with the information that I used to decide whether or not to try these new lenses.